Friday, April 23, 2010

...Workin', Workin' and Thinkin' (and planting seeds)!!!

So, I'm all about "Planting Seeds" (as I like to call it).  That's my way of verbalizing "Preparing for the Opportunity of things that will Flourish in due time".  That's what I find myself doing.  Working hard to stay on top of the things that come into my mind to do and create.  My mind just works so much that I try to write it all down, because I'll forget something in a minute. lol.  After doing my show at The Triad on Feb. 8th, 2010, I was talking to a friend of mine not too long ago and was telling him how much I loved my Uncle Rickie (who lives in Baltimore) and how influential he's been to me in my life.  He turned to me and said, "Well, what are you going to do for him?".  Interestingly enough, my Uncle always asked me to Donate to his Non-Profit organization "The Portal" and I never got the chance (or took the time) to do so.  Then it hit me,...Why not do a benefit Concert while using my show to help his Non-Profit.  Then, of course, my mind started to run and I was like, Why not do a National Tour of "Anthony Wayne : Crossing The Line"!!! But I thought about it and I was like, umm...first of all how am I going to really do it, promote it, who's REALLY going to come and why would I want to do such a thing.  WELL, GLAD YOU ASKED. lol.  From the reactions I had about my show, I thought that if I take the time to make it better, put more up-tempo songs in it, make the story line a little tighter and create a better arc of the experience, I think anyone who comes would be encouraged with the Journey and Inspired to create Great things in their life. Eventually, I discussed it with my Uncle and he Loved the Idea, so we're in the process of making that happen.  Along the same lines, I was able to get in contact with one of my dearest friends, Leon Hughes, who is the Director of The Governor's School for the Arts in Norfolk, Virginia.  I told him I wanted to bring the show down there to raise money for the School itself.  He was floored by the idea and wheels started to turn.  After some time, we solidified a place, time, date and are now confirming about tickets.  For me, it's a dream come true to be able to come back home to Norfolk and do something that's going to Inspire and Encourage people to be better and make life changing and passionate choices in their lives.  Living in New York now, everyone from home hears about what shows I'm doing and they say "When is Anthony gonna do something here!"...WELL, Here it is and I'm blessed and excited to even have the chance to bring something home that brings people together who I all love and care about.

I'm in the process of solidifying a place in Atlanta, Ga, Los Angeles, Ca and Chicago, IL and I'm just grateful for the opportunity to do so.  Someone asked me, "Are you really gonna donate ALL the money to these entities?"....the answer is YES! To me, the greatest Gift is having people come out and hear what I have to say and sing about.  THAT'S Priceless to me than anything else.  If I can have people in the audience who are open to hearing what I have to say and I'm able to bless other programs in the process that have blessed me along my journey, then it's worth every penny and every minute.  To me, money will come.  I don't live my life for Money.  I refuse to allow it to rule me.  I notice that when people do that, they become different and hollow and lose their Passion.  I believe that if you listen to what God has to say and follow your heart, all the work you do will NOT be in vain.  So, Plant your seeds, Family!  You never know what may bloom.

Stay Encouraged.


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